Donate (Hunter Club)

telecomHall is FREE, and will always be FREE!

Means you will never need to pay nothing! And if this is what you want, you donโ€™t even need to continue reading. :wink:

But for those still reading: it is worth to know that some friends have been asking for a way they can contribute. :thinking:

As you may know, Forum hosting and Community costs are very expensive, 200+ dollars per month.
:money_with_wings: :roll_eyes:
Not to mention the time dedicated to this amazing project. :hourglass:

Again: it will continue as it is - Free!

But if maybe this is your case, and you want to make a free donation to help us you can use link below.

If you do so, you already have ou big โ€œThank Youโ€! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And as a bonus, you will be added to a private channel: the Hunter Club - a private channel here in Forum, exclusive to donators. :medal_sports:

We have defined a small amount - 3 dollars per month. This way, you will be contributing a lot, and helping the project to grow more and more.

And if this 3 dollars are too much for you (you can not afford that), but you still want to be part of supporters in Hunter Club, please contact us. For sure we can find another a way, as we always do. :wink:

So, this is the link to make a donation to help costs of Community:

Donate (support Community Costs)

And simply follow these 3 steps (clicks): (of course, if you want, you can donate more, simply click or type desired amount).

Of couse: you can cancel donation anytime you want. :slight_smile:

Weโ€™re friends here, friends that believe in this dream, that it is possible to have a place to help everyone who wants the best information in Telecommunications and IT /Data Sciece areas.

Are you still accepting the donations?

Yes dear, of course.

But this is NOT NEEDED. :slightly_smiling_face:

I only did this because of some people ASKING me to do it. So, if they would like to buy a cup of coffee.

  • telecomHall is FREE.
  • And will always be FREE. Period.
  • And it BELONGS to we all (we have a special group in Whatsapp โ†’ telecomHall Experts Group those people in that group are the real owners of telecomHall - an open-source platform).

So, there is no need for donation. Never! :wink:
Anyway, if someone still want to โ€œbuy a coffeeโ€, the donation will be reverted to FORUM.

Hope that is clear and thank you for being part of the amazing project.

:world_map: telecomHall โ†’ FREE * forever ! Where โ€˜*โ€™ means Learning, Groups, Blog, Forum, Tools, Jobs and much more! Everything FREE as Always. Forever! Since 1999 always with serious, professional content! :blush:

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